30 Stylish "Carport" Ideas That Will Boost Your Curb Appeal -
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30 Stylish “Carport” Ideas That Will Boost Your Curb Appeal

You know the saying that goes “The day you wash your car is the day it finally rains” ? Do you find it annoying when, it the winter, you are about to go to work but your car windshield has frosted over and you must scratch it ?

Well, that’s what a carport is for: it will provide some protection for rain, snow, frost and hailstorm if you can’t park your car in a garage.


Carports may be budget-friendly alternatives to garages, but that doesn’t mean they have to look boring!

There are many modern carport designs with unique styles that compliment your property and increase the resale value of your house.

If you’re considering adding one to your home, here are 30 stylish carport ideas to inspire your next project.





























Credit: Pinterest

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