54 Great "Side Yard" Landscaping Ideas That Will Brighten Up Your Unused Space -
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54 Great “Side Yard” Landscaping Ideas That Will Brighten Up Your Unused Space

Nature is good for us. It’s plain and simple. Whether it’s spending quiet time in solitude in a garden, hiking up a mountain for a breathtaking view, or walking through a forest to clear our heads, nature somehow makes us feel better about our lives.

On a basic level, landscapes can affect our physical health in many positive ways. Here are just a few…


A healthy landscape produces oxygen and eliminates dust, smoke, pollutants, improving the quality of the air we breathe.

Being outdoors can reduce inflammation in the body, which in turn reduces autoimmune disorders, irritable bowel syndrome and even cancer!

While the research into cancer prevention is still in the early stages, studies suggest that time spent in nature can stimulate the production of anti-cancer proteins.

Another benefit to being outside includes a boost to the immune system, allowing the body to better fight routine illnesses like colds and the flu.

Outside of the obvious increased enjoyment of your property that you’ll experience when you have a new landscaping project done on your property, there are economic benefits too!


















































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