30 Minimalist Style Kitchen Extension Ideas, Simple Yet Functional -
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30 Minimalist Style Kitchen Extension Ideas, Simple Yet Functional

The minimalist design encourages people to live with less so it’s more a lifestyle than a decorative style. This movement encourages people to let go of the importance of things. Clutter weighs down homeowners, and minimalism brings a diverge from it. The fewer things are in a room, the more comfortable it looks.

The kitchen is the room most homeowners decorate according to the minimalist trend. Why? Kitchens are usually cluttered because of the multitude of utensils used to cook.


The minimalist design has organisational benefits because it features clean and sleek lines. And what’s best, it can be used in both small and big spaces.

Natural materials are beautiful, and minimalism celebrates their refinement. When designing a kitchen, finding the right surfaces and textures is crucial for the final result.

Materials like concrete or wood are more charming than any other surface used in construction. They are standalone beauties so they need no other accessory to enhance their appeal.

There’s no fuss around the minimalist style. You need to work with clean and sharp lines to keep everything airy. Sharp corners are not comfortable in a living room, but they give a good feeling in the kitchen.

Sharp corners, concealed handles and singes and square edges, all strengthen the idea of airy and cleanliness. The minimalist trend is famous for featuring geometrical shapes, simple lines and rough materials.

To achieve this look, you should play with finishes, textures and colours. Solid forms are a major characteristic of minimalism, decide what shapes better fit your kitchen.

Minimalism is all about keeping things simple. Deposit in your kitchen only the items you need to cook and serve the food, but nothing more. No decorations, no unnecessary stuff.

It’s challenging to stop yourself from bringing extra things in the kitchen to boost its style.

But in minimalism, the beauty of the space stays in the materials and lines you choose for the cabinets and countertops. The colour palette boosts the artistry of the space in an elegant but modest way.




















Credit: Pinterest, noteiiz.noteiiz