28 Practical "Indoor-Outdoor Serving Bar" Ideas That You Would Love to Own -
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28 Practical “Indoor-Outdoor Serving Bar” Ideas That You Would Love to Own

If you are one of those who love outdoor’s life you need to make your outdoor’s life more comfortable and much easier.

If you have enough space you can create one indoor-outdoor sreving bar which will greatly facilitate your daily work. It will be a kind of transit that will connects the kitchen with the outdoor space.


This serving bar can be done with adding a big window in your kitchen, which need to have the opportunity to open wide, so that the space that separates the kitchen and the exterior will be the serving bar.

It is better if you have more avaliable space and set some chairs in the outside space. That way your serving bar can can be used for informal dining. Other creative solution is making serving bar on the regular window.

You won’t spend a lot money and yet will have practical mini serving bar. But if you have space and opportunities you can open the whole wall and make spacious serving bar.

Anyway with adding no matter what kind of indoor-outdoor serving bar you will make your life much easier!

























Credit: Pinterest