40 Ideas for Separating Your Bathroom Into Wet & Dry Zones With "Concrete Wall" -
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40 Ideas for Separating Your Bathroom Into Wet & Dry Zones With “Concrete Wall”

Separating wet and dry areas in a bathroom does more than simply keep the space mould free and regulate humidity—it’s a stylistic choice, and one that ensures the space is comfortable, accessible and easy to clean.

We all know that bathrooms tend to accumulate moisture, mess and mould—separating wet and dry areas can create a usable room that boosts liveability, while removing the possibility of muck and mildew building up.


With modern bathroom trends emphasizing wet and dry zones, it can be a great opportunity to improve your own bathroom’s overall layout and design.

You can install a concrete wall to separate the wet and dry areas. Walls prevent the water from splashing around your bathroom while still not looking as invasive.

Just make sure to design it in a way that doesn’t obstruct how much natural light both areas receive. The wall shouldn’t make your bathroom look cramped as well.







































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