32 Modern Style "Wide Front House" Design Ideas for Shallow Lots -
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32 Modern Style “Wide Front House” Design Ideas for Shallow Lots

The size of a shallow lot varies from place to place, but most have similar size requirements for houses. Most house plans for shallow lots have a width of 50 feet and a depth of 40 feet or less. Typically the maximum depth of a home on a shallow lot is 40 feet.

In recent years, shallow lot house plans have become increasingly popular in the home building industry. This is because shallow lots give a homeowner the ability to build an attractive house on a smaller lot.


A shallow lot is often wide but not deep. When purchasing a shallow lot, the homeowner should choose a house plan that has a depth of 40 feet or less. This type of lot can accommodate house plans that have rear or side entry garages, as well.


Shallow lot house plans are designed to be spacious and have an open floor plan. When your house is shallow, you want to make the most of the narrow depth. An open floor plan between the kitchen, living room, and dining area is common and encourages family gatherings.

































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