40 Practical "Walk-in Closet" Ideas for Every Design Style -
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40 Practical “Walk-in Closet” Ideas for Every Design Style

A well-equipped walk-in closet is essential to many homeowners these days. These storage areas have evolved into personalized spaces that are much more than a place to keep clothing. Men and woman both want these customized closets to be as awe-inspiring as the rest of their homes.

The master bedroom’s walk-in closet or closets make a distinct style statement frequently showcasing one’s wardrobe so that it mimics the layout of a small yet chic boutique.


In the past, the walk-in was considered more practical and defined as a closet that one could walk into and store their wardrobe.

Ideally, these closets are rectangle or square however these spaces can come in all shapes and sizes including curves and octagons. Many as large as a secondary bedroom while others are barely big enough to qualify as one.

Due to their popularity walk-ins are no longer reserved for the master bedroom and are frequently seen in secondary bedrooms and guest quarters.

The more clothes, shoes, accessories, and handbags stored, the larger the closet must be.

Now an essential amenity for today’s homeowner, custom designed homes feature them as a key selling point, while master bedroom remodeling projects center around adding or expanding a generously sized walk-in closet.





































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