40 Outdoor Seating Ideas With a Cozy Japanese Vibe -
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40 Outdoor Seating Ideas With a Cozy Japanese Vibe

The key to enjoying your outdoor space is ensuring you have enough seating areas. Having a range of options will allow you to relax, dine and entertain when the weather permits.

So, whether you’re looking for somewhere to sit in the sun or share a quiet breakfast with the family, you can explore our garden seating area ideas right here.


We’re not all blessed with acres of lawn or patio space in which to place our garden seating. In fact, most of us have more compact spaces like patios, balconies or even just a small lawn…

If this is the case, it’s wise to nod to those garden seating ideas that will not only fit your space comfortably, but also add to your outside decor too.

After all, seating needs to be flexible (and comfortable), to suit your home life and to work around the other garden ideas you love to fill your space with, especially in the warmer months.






































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