Cool Nordic Style House With Rooftop Terrace for Your Family Gatherings, 103 Sqm -
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Cool Nordic Style House With Rooftop Terrace for Your Family Gatherings, 103 Sqm

Area: 103.25 sq.m.
Consist: 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, separate kitchen

Many Northern Scandinavian and Nordic countries lack sunlight in the winter, which makes it extremely important for natural light to be able to easily flow through a room. This lightness might be achieved through skylights, glass walls, and open spaces.


Designs tend to be functional and balanced with clean lines and a lack of decoration.

The color palette tends to be light and neutral, which helps enhance the natural light in the space. However, you’ll notice that colors tend to be soft and warm-toned and are rarely cool and stark.

Homes incorporate hygge to infuse comfort into the house. You’ll notice soft light fixtures, natural textures, and spaces with thick walls and lower ceilings that are easy to heat and cool.





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Area: 79.50 sq.m.
Consist: 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 parking spaces.












Credit: MB Design House