36 Functional "Bifold Door" Design Ideas for Making the Most of Your Living Space -
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36 Functional “Bifold Door” Design Ideas for Making the Most of Your Living Space

Bifold doors are becoming one of the most popular door choices for homes, and are a wonderful addition to any home. Not only do they add a touch of luxury and style, but they are also incredibly practical – bringing convenience and functionality to your home.

One of the most noticeable benefits of bifold doors is how much extra light they allow into your home. Bifold doors, due to their ceiling-to-floor design, maximise the amount of natural light in your home, whether they are fully opened or closed.


If you have noticed your home seems unnecessarily dark, even when it’s rather sunny outside, it’s likely your windows aren’t letting in enough light. By installing bifold doors, you will see natural light flood into your home, turning a normally dark space into a light and area room you’d like to spend more time in.

For those of you who dislike cleaning windows again, and again, and again…bifold doors are a great solution – they are so easy to maintain! Although bifold doors do require cleaning, they are easier to clean as they don’t have multiple panes or frames like other windows. It couldn’t be easier to maintain bifold doors!

If you do not have a lot of space to play with on your property, bifold doors may be the ideal solution for you. Unlike sliding patio doors, when bifold doors are folded back, they take up very little room.

This is because bifold doors concertina back on themselves – allowing you the benefit of opening up your wall completely – the perfect compact door solution for those smaller spaces.

One of the reasons many people shy away from installing bifold doors is, security. When it comes to bifold doors, the assumption is that they are less secure than a sash window or a solid door. However, this is not the case.

Bifold doors offer a significant level of security to home owners. With a locking system spread over multiple points of the sliding track, double glazing, and high-security tracks, bifold doors keep your house safe during the day and the night.




























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