One-storey Gabled House With a Spacious Covered Terrace for Outdoor Gatherings -
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One-storey Gabled House With a Spacious Covered Terrace for Outdoor Gatherings

Area: 130 sq.m.
Consist: 3 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 separate kitchens

Gable roofs work well for people on a budget. The simplicity of gable roof designs means they don’t require the same amount of materials as other roof designs, and their styles vary while staying affordable.


You also have more space, especially with cross gable roofs, to use for an attic, storage or a room, thanks to only two sloped sides instead of four.

While gable roofs need additional support against wind, they provide excellent drainage for rain and snow and are more weather resistant than flat roofs. They also allow for better ventilation in your house.

The wind that moves through vents in your gable roof will help your house be more energy-efficient in winter and summer. In addition, gable windows bring in natural sunlight to your interior spaces.



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Credit: MB Design House