30 Stylish "Side Yard Seating Area" Ideas to Gather With Family and Friends -
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30 Stylish “Side Yard Seating Area” Ideas to Gather With Family and Friends

Side yards often are narrow and more utilitarian in nature (think faucets and hoses, garbage or recycling containers, and storage). But with a little planning and creativity, you can make your side yard both useful and appealing, whether it shows to passersby or just from your window.

It’s easy to overlook the side yard, or move it down the priority list, in a landscape renovation.


Though extra-tight side yards may have room for a path and not much more, slightly wider spaces can become a destination in their own right with the addition of lush plants, attractive lighting and a spot to sit.

The following twenty-nine intimate seating nooks, lounges and outdoor dining setups offer ideas for giving new life to a side yard or any narrow outdoor space.




























Credit: Pinterest