30 Stylish "Carport" Ideas That Will Protect Your Car From the Elements -
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30 Stylish “Carport” Ideas That Will Protect Your Car From the Elements

A carport obviously would be a much smaller investment than investing in building an attached or detached garage. So if you are working on a budget, but still need a way to protect your car, then a carport might be the most cost-effective way for you to go.

Why should you invest in anything? Well, because it saves your car. The longer you leave your car sitting out in the elements, the more the paint fades, hail and other natural elements beat down on it, and it is totally unprotected from wind damage or snow and ice.


So if you would like to drive your car for years to come, then you need to take as good care of it as you can. This means that if you have the means to park it where it is covered, then this would be a good thing to do.

Carports are actually a nice addition to your home. They can be built as simple or lavish as you desire. Not to mention, if you build it yourself, it should help your home value go up. We were told in our moving process, that any structure that cannot be removed from the property is counted in the appraisal.

So if you choose to go with a carport that is literally anchored in the ground, then it should count towards your home’s value as well. Be sure to double check with an appraiser to make sure this same rule still applies in your situation.



























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