40 Stylish "Bi-fold Doors" Ideas That Will Help You Save Space -
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40 Stylish “Bi-fold Doors” Ideas That Will Help You Save Space

Folding patio doors are slimmer and less conspicuous than traditional patio doors or French doors. Slim profile bi-fold patio doors allow maximum visibility without compromising strength and offer a highly modern look and feel.

With aluminium and UPVC folding patio doors the minimum of maintenance is necessary to keep bi-fold doors looking good for years to come. All that’s required is the occasional wash-down and a dash of oil periodically.


Built to fold and stack neatly to one or both sides of an aperture when open, bi-fold doors allow people to move freely from inside to outside or from one room to another.

Sliding patio and French doors can be impractical in more confined spaces, like opening out onto a balcony or patio: bi-fold patio doors, however, fold away neatly and do not interfere with access.

With a low threshold folding patio doors can be an ideal solution for wheelchair users and the disabled in need of wider access and a minimal step.

Slim profile ensure the maximum possible glass area and visibility to the outside when closed, yet are completely weatherproof and also offer excellent thermal efficiency.

Despite offering incredibly useful access, bi-fold doors are very secure and consequently are widely used in both domestic and commercial environments.

When the weather is good fully-open bi-fold patio doors allow a seamless integration between garden and the interior, and provide free movement in and out of a domestic property.

































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