33 Easy and Affordable "Raised Garden Bed" Ideas From "Concrete Block" -
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33 Easy and Affordable “Raised Garden Bed” Ideas From “Concrete Block”

Raised beds allow you to plant more closely together, you can start your growing season sooner when the soil warms up in spring, and the soil remains loose and friable, because it’s not being compacted by stepping in the garden.

And the best part? You can place one anywhere that gets the requisite eight to 10 hours of sun a day. You don’t even need a patch of earth. Let’s take a closer look at some of the benefits of raised garden beds.


Another one of the benefits of raised garden beds is you control all the organic matter you put into them. In a raised bed, the soil remains loose and friable as you are reaching into the bed to weed, plant, and harvest, rather than walking through it or stepping in to do something, which can compress the soil.
































Credit: Pinterest