15 Garden Paving Ideas With "Turf Block" to Make Your Home Look Outstanding -
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15 Garden Paving Ideas With “Turf Block” to Make Your Home Look Outstanding

Unlike a grass garden, a paved garden is much easier to customise and organise. Homeowners have complete control over the colour of the paving, the paving pattern and the type of paving used.

The unparalleled versatility of paving means even the most eclectic taste can design something to suit their property’s exterior aesthetic.


Unlike a planted or grass garden, the maintenance requirements of a paved garden are extremely low.

Other than an annual power wash and semi-regular weeding a paved garden lets homeowners enjoy a tidy garden without having to work for it.

As a paved garden consists of many small parts, damage repair is extremely straight-forward. At a minimum cost, broken, cracked or otherwise damaged bricks or slabs can be removed and replaced quickly and efficiently.













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