54 Side Yard Landscaping Ideas to Increase Green Space -
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54 Side Yard Landscaping Ideas to Increase Green Space

It’s no secret that the side-yard is sometimes overlooked as an important part of residential landscaping. “Often neglected, seldom perfected” might easily apply as its mantra.

However, side yards are an important pathway between the front and back areas of the home.


Side yards are used as a means to travel from the front to the back of the house. Embracing this function, add a walkway. In addition to making your footing sure, a walkway defines the space and clarifies its purpose.

Paths can be made of stepping stones, pavers, concrete or other materials. If the side yard is sloped, be sure to incorporate steps.

Attractive plantings in the side yard will transform the space. Most side yards are shady, so consider low light plants that will thrive in these conditions, such as ferns, hostas, hydrangeas, camellia bushes, and the like.

Now that you have created a beautiful area out of your side yard, stop to enjoy it. If your side yard is large enough, a seating nook can turn it into a private getaway.


















































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