15 Pretty and Practical Walkway Ideas With "Breeze Block" for Your Yard -
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15 Pretty and Practical Walkway Ideas With “Breeze Block” for Your Yard

Roads that are paved or cast concrete can have a negative impact on the environment. Both are made of materials that do not absorb water, so that when it rains, water cannot enter the ground. This will have an impact on nature preservation, because groundwater availability will be increasingly difficult to obtain. For that we need to provide space on land that requires hardening by installing grass blocks.

Grass blocks are made with the same aggregate material as paving blocks, except that the grass block molds are designed with holes so that after being installed they can be overgrown or planted with grass.


Grass block paving is also quite reliable and resistant to weather and is less susceptible to abrasion than asphalt roads if it is frequently exposed and submerged in rain water.

The maintenance costs are also relatively low, if there is damage we only need to lift the damaged part and replace it with a new one without having to dismantle the entire area, so it is very practical and efficient.













Credit: Pinterest