16 Stylish Counter Ideas With "Breeze Block" for Your Indoor-Outdoor Space -
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16 Stylish Counter Ideas With “Breeze Block” for Your Indoor-Outdoor Space

You may not know it, but you very likely have seen Breeze Blocks every day. They were particularly popular in the 1950’s and 1960’s and also are known as screen blocks (but have nothing to do with suntan lotion).

They are those cinder blocks that have been stacked and designed to create a mosaic or other pattern. Most of the time you have seen them outside as their primary purpose was to allow a breeze into the home area while giving the homeowner a certain degree of privacy.


Their use expanded to providing a degree of protection from the sun. Despite their primary functions as aesthetic and cooling units, they are also very sturdy and can support a significant amount of weight. This is why sometimes you will see them stacked very high as exterior walls.

Using a design with breeze block or also called ventilation block in a BBQ Station or Outdoor kitchen is a great idea. If summer is a special occasion for outdoor activities, outdoor BBQ parties, and playing out with your children.

So it is a wonderful idea to make your garden as a natural decorative and ventilative space.

You can also use it for the planter areas, and/ or make a private partition for the outdoor rooms to enjoy the summer. By using breeze block, it easily brings to the garden enough privacy and freshness. You are able to customize the color and pattern with your favorite design also.












Credit: Pinterest