15 Airy Kitchen Ideas With Ventilated Designs -
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15 Airy Kitchen Ideas With Ventilated Designs

If you’re planning a new kitchen, there are several key items that you should pay attention to in your design so that you wind up with a stylish but well-ventilated space. The most important step in designing a well-ventilated kitchen is choosing a spot for the range.

Since the range is the primary source of fumes, grease and other contaminants in the room, it must have a vent system that pulls the odors and moisture outside your home.


You can vent your range through any spot in your kitchen ceiling, but if you don’t have wall-to-ceiling cabinets, you’ll have to add some type of header to conceal the venting duct work.

While a dedicated ventilation system is necessary for safety and air quality in your kitchen, you can also ensure proper ventilation by adding windows in key spots.

Obviously, having multiple windows in your kitchens means that there’s more effective air circulation in the room, so odors and moisture are eliminated more quickly.












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