40 Ideas "Thai Kitchen With Modern Vibe" With Slats, Extend From the House -
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40 Ideas “Thai Kitchen With Modern Vibe” With Slats, Extend From the House

Traditionally the kitchen occupied a secondary place in the house, usually hidden in the back. Many times being worked in the kitchen meant being isolated from the rest of the house.

In the last decades, this has changed, the kitchens have been opened and have become the center of many modern houses. Sometimes they are even the place where visits are received, or children are helped with their duties.


It does not mean that there are no people who prefer the kitchen still have a secondary place and prefer to separate it from the living room and dining room. There are many people to whom this trend does not convince and prefer separated kitchens.

Outdoor kitchens are much easier to clean since dirt has clearly defined barriers. Also, the elements found in a more “traditional” kitchen are much easier to clean.









































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