40 DIY Ideas for Balcony Garden -
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40 DIY Ideas for Balcony Garden

Creating a balcony garden can be fun and fulfilling. However, sometimes the hardest part is getting started. Below are some amazing balcony garden designs. As you look through them, pay close attention to the designs you are drawn to.

It may be helpful to have an idea of how you want to use your balcony space. Do you want a flower garden, vegetable garden, outdoor living space, or all of the above?


Some balconies are created to compliment the existing home design and decor. One factor to consider is your available budget. With many balcony garden ideas, you can create a fabulous space without spending much money!

Another thing to think about is how much sunlight your balcony receives. This can help determine the plants you choose. Finally, what time of the day will you use your new space?

For a balcony used mainly in the evenings, you may want lighting on your balcony. With adequate planning, you can create a beautiful balcony garden designed to serve your gardening needs.






































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