50 Translucent-Opaque Awning Ideas to Increase Your Outdoor Shade Area -
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50 Translucent-Opaque Awning Ideas to Increase Your Outdoor Shade Area

An awning is an addition to the outside of the house that helps manage the space more usefully. Whether installation sunshade to use as an open kitchen, a laundry area, or even a garage.

Currently, there are many types of awning canopies to choose from as appropriate. Especially sheet awning that can be bought and installed easily by yourself until it becomes more popular.


Because it provides both comfort and a variety of materials to choose from. Each type of awning offers unique beauty and functionality.

An awning canopy generally consists of two parts: The roof structure and the roof sheet itself. Which the roof structure will be an essential part to support the weight of the roof sheet. At present, three types of awning roof structures are commonly used: steel frame, lath wood, and stainless steel.

In general, sunshades can be divided into two main categories based on their ability to filter light according to each material: opaque awnings and transparent awnings.















































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