30 Amazing Ideas for Growing a Vegetable Garden in Your Backyard -
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30 Amazing Ideas for Growing a Vegetable Garden in Your Backyard

It takes a lot to start a vegetable garden: choosing the right vegetables to grow and buying seeds, and then there’s planning the actual yard space.

Of course, there’s nothing like the neat and tidy rows of traditional raised garden beds, with everything lined up and planted in an orderly fashion. Fortunately, there are vegetable garden layout ideas for any size of yard.


A few factors will help you decide the best layout plan for your vegetable garden. Depending on your plant hardiness zone, you’ll want to make sure you find a location for your garden that receives full sun, which is considered 6 or more hours of direct sunlight per day.

Many garden favorites, such as tomatoes and bell peppers, like it even hotter, so 8 or more hours is ideal. Very few vegetables will tolerate mostly shade, so if your yard is shaded all day, your best bet is to opt for a container garden that you can place where you do have full sun exposure.

Also, make sure you have access to water; that sounds obvious, but if you have to haul watering cans or drag a hose too far in the heat of summer, it’s not the most pleasant experience!

Still feel up to the challenge? To inspire you, here are the best vegetable garden layout ideas including designs to make your garden even more productive.




























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