39 Clothesline Ideas for Your "Side Yard" to Hang Dry Your Clothes & Save You Money -
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39 Clothesline Ideas for Your “Side Yard” to Hang Dry Your Clothes & Save You Money

An outdoor clothesline truly offer consumers a great many benefits such as saving money, saving energy, increases the life expectancy of clothing, contributing to the overall fresh appearance of your clothes, and saving the environment as well.

Nobody can dispute the fact that clotheslines serve to provide the most economical, eco -friendly and energy saving methods for drying your clothes each day, every day.


In a world so focused on saving energy and “saving the planet” outdoor clothesline very conveniently and appropriately fall into this important category.

When summer temperatures are uncomfortably hot both outdoors and indoors, powering up the gas or electric clothes dryer causing the indoor thermostat to rise even more is a scenario we would all like to avoid.

In addition, using a clothes dryer anytime of year, not just in the summertime, can absolutely waste energy, while the use of clotheslines to naturally dry our clothes with a warm blowing breeze and the natural heat of the sun preserves energy.

Consumers can easily appreciate the capability of saving money through the purchase of an outdoor clotheslines vs. an indoor powered clothes dryer.

Not only are the powered dryers expensive, but there are typically additional costs for installing them and guaranteeing your purchase, where the time and effort that goes into the setup of an outdoor clothesline is minimal and the cost near to none.

































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