30 Artistic Wooden Door Design Ideas That Will Impress Your Guests -
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30 Artistic Wooden Door Design Ideas That Will Impress Your Guests

Wooden doors have a very high R-value. This makes them resistant to changes in temperature and an excellent choice if insulation is a top priority for you. Wooden doors’ insulation capacity keeps the heat and cold out and thus reduces energy bills by a significant margin.

If your home is situated near the beach or other places that are prone to rust, a wooden door and frame are the best choice as they are not affected by rust. The last thing you want is a front door that looks worn and tired.


If your door is made of high-quality timber that is well polished and maintained, a wooden door can go for years. The life expectancy of wood is very high; all you need is a slither of varnish to protect it from the elements.

Wood is relatively modifiable; you can have your door shaped to fit any space, position, and size with the right experts, tools, and measurements. Moreover, they can be adjusted to meet your architect’s specific requirements.

If you are on a tight budget, a wooden frame and door are a better choice for you. They are far cheaper to install and maintain.

Most people are drawn to the wooden door’s classic beauty. They stand out from the others for the smooth, finished look they give to the premises, and their simple elegance.

Another advantage of wooden doors is their ability to be carved and painted to suit any design you want.

























Credit: Pinterest