Low Cost Wooden House Ideas With Self-sufficient Living -
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Low Cost Wooden House Ideas With Self-sufficient Living

Wooden houses consist of recyclable and biodegradable non-petroleum materials that make them environmentally-friendly. Not to mention, they come with numerous benefits, including less energy requirement and lower environmental impacts.

Since wood is a natural insulator, wooden houses tend to be more energy-efficient than other homes. The material can keep your house cool in summers and warm in winters, making it suitable for sustainable construction.


It can isolate heat and cold effectively. When you invest in a wooden house, you’ll save thousands of dollars on energy costs. Studies reveal that homeowners living in small wooden homes can save up to 60 percent per year on ventilation, heating, and air conditioning.

Most wooden houses in Canada consist of materials that help to insulate houses from the outside noise and steady temperatures. Examples of such materials include recycled cotton, lamb wool, or rock wool. Thankfully, all are environmental-friendly.

As an aesthetic material, wood can serve as a decorative element. Each tree produces wood with a unique design, color, and smell. It’s easy to find different wood materials based on color.

However, the wood design can vary depending on how it gets sliced. You can use wood’s natural color or paint it to match your style and preference.

You can paint it to darker varnished colors, with a few mat or bright touches. But without any decorative finishes, we’ll still make your home look more beautiful.

You can build wood houses faster and affordably, depending on the house design. They are 30 percent cheaper than traditional bricks and concrete homes in terms of building costs.

If damaged, wood houses can be cheaply repaired or rebuilt. Besides, you won’t spend a lot on the foundation of a wood house because the material is light. Wood’s thermal properties (insulation) has also helped many homeowners save on heating and air conditioning costs.












Credit : houseandgardenlover