33 Rear Kitchen Ideas, Open Air, Convenient Cooking -
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33 Rear Kitchen Ideas, Open Air, Convenient Cooking

“Kitchen” a significant room that nourish people in the house. A room that includes all kinds of food for everyone. It is very necessary and important to maintain cleaning consistently. The kitchen can stay beautiful for a long time.

Most importantly, you should eliminate germs inside the kitchen for the health of everyone. Kitchen is a source of dirty stains which caused by cooking. Some stains are difficult to clean and long lasting


A kitchen is more than just a stunning backsplash and gorgeous cabinets. Integrate these thoughtful tips when planning your kitchen remodel for a functional and easy to workspace and live in.

Especially housing projects, townhomes, and detached dwellings nowadays usually have a washing area in the back of the house for adding a kitchen to the back of the house.

Most of them prefer airy kitchen extension in the style of cement kitchen or renovate the kitchen with laths to add beauty and design to the home.

Before adding the kitchen, you should choose the style and design of the kitchen that you want to be done first. Such as renovate the kitchen with laths, loft-style, minimalist or modern style. For convenience and ease in purchasing furniture and equipment, kitchenware sets for use.

But the most important thing besides the design is to plan the budget to be worth it by considering the necessity, suitability, and functionality of the complete kitchen.

You should choose a reliable specialist technician, does not leave the job, and is guaranteed the structure. So that the airy kitchen extension is not a problem in both design and construction during long-term use.



























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