18 Small House Design Ideas, 1-2 Bedrooms, Complete Functions With Floor Plans -
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18 Small House Design Ideas, 1-2 Bedrooms, Complete Functions With Floor Plans

Small houses are much more traditional homes – usually coming in around 1,000 square feet or less. Small house plans are not mobile and aren’t meant to be taken around the world.

Families that live in massive homes hardly ever require all the space. In fact, most homes only really use a tiny portion of what is actually available. One of the big advantages of living in smaller homes is that you can utilise your space a whole lot better.


Rather use every room and each bit of space in your home than have empty and unnecessary areas. This can make your entire lifestyle significantly easier.

With big homes come big mortgages. If you are planning on buying a new house, a smaller space will generally be a whole lot cheaper. This can help you a great deal in the long run.

Nobody wants to get stuck paying off a staggeringly large mortgage. Rather, pay for a house where you know that each bit of space is completely necessary. This also applies to rentals. If you are paying rent each month, make sure it is for space that you need.

Not only are smaller homes cheaper to purchase or rent, but living in them is significantly more cost-effective. Think about all of the monthly bills that can be reduced when you have less space. Electricity, water, gas, heating – you use far more of these things in bigger homes.

One of the huge advantages of living in smaller homes is that you should only really use what you need. This lowers your monthly living expenses and makes any cost more justifiable.

This is definitely one of the major advantages of living in smaller homes. People with loads of space often spend great portions of their lives cleaning or maintaining it. With a smaller home, you spend far less time cleaning or keeping the place in order.

If you love to take on home improvement projects or always have a desire to redecorate, then living in a smaller home makes this so much easier.

Whether you need to take on a major renovation project, or just want to add some extra touches, the job becomes simplified and cheaper in a smaller space. With the added flexibility and convenience, you can basically do this whenever the fancy strikes.










Credit: ARKIX3D