31 Beautiful Sloping House Ideas With Balcony -
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31 Beautiful Sloping House Ideas With Balcony

Plots with significant gradients can offer the chance for unique and inspiring homes. One of the best locations for a residence is on a hillside. From up there you can admire the entire landscape which reveals itself to you in all its glory and splendor.

Whether you choose this location for your holiday home or permanent residence doesn’t really matter as long as its design and architecture embrace the beauty present everywhere around.


A sloping site requires a thoughtful and sometimes imaginative design approach, which means they tend to be avoided by developers.

Luckily for the self-builder, this undesirability often leaves these plots with less competition and a more affordable price tag.

The best thing about the landscape diversity presented within uneven land is that such plots lend themselves perfectly to unique and inspirational designs.

Navigating the complications of building a house on an inclined plot might be a challenge, but the result could be awe-inspiring.

This article will explore what you need to investigate in order to understand the land’s benefits and limitations and to make sure that you create a bespoke home worthy of its distinctive setting.

As a guideline, the drop from the footprint’s front to back should be at least the height of one floor, which is approximately 2.5m.

But bear in mind that a steep site could have engineering and logistical complications that may make the total cost prohibitive.

Properties positioned on sloping sites generally offer more opportunities for energy efficiency than those on flat land.

This is because they tend to be isolated and therefore not overshadowed by surrounding buildings.

Building on a slope offers the possibility of a walkout or lookout lower level. This means daylight instead of the dark mustiness of a subterranean basement.

Being able to finish all or part of the lower level allows you to build more home for less money. Sloping lots offer a lot of aesthetic advantages, too.





















Credit: Pinterest