Japanese-style Detached House, L-shaped, Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Living Spaces -
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Japanese-style Detached House, L-shaped, Seamless Indoor-Outdoor Living Spaces

Area: 154 m²
Photographs: Hirokazu Fujimura

A client who has retired from a longtime job requested a place of residence where he could relax as he spends the remainder of his days with his family and his beloved dog.


An additional key theme for the house was to ensure separate yet coexisting private areas for the wife’s piano classes and the family’s living spaces.

The living room is positioned at the best possible spot within the spacious lot. The large glass doors can be opened wide to allow for the interior and exterior to be enjoyed as a pleasant unified space.

The dog can run across the large wooden deck and the grass lawn. A window placed high at the north side of the living room can be opened and closed using a controller, and it lets refreshing breezes from the yard flow in.

The kitchen is placed at the center of the traffic flow line so that it is access-friendly for cooking, chores, and piano lessons.

An important part of the design is the compact arrangement that makes for smooth mobility from the entrance to the kitchen and piano room, to the living room and Japanese-style guest room.

Additionally, a dedicated entranceway was arranged on the side of the piano room through which students can directly enter and exit, enhancing the independence of the respective spaces.

We carefully incorporated ingenuity and considered various traffic patterns in order to create a relaxing space with a sense of security for our client who will spend the coming years in this home with his treasured family and beloved dog.












Credit: ArchDaily